RALEIGH – In a move that was all but assured, Republicans in the state legislature voted to override Gov. Roy Cooper’s veto of the budget bill, SB99. Well, Republicans plus one Democrat, actually.
Disgraced former rising Democrat star Duane Hall, plagued by allegations of sexual misconduct that led to his primary loss, bucked the caucus that was so quick to throw him under the bus and voted ‘Aye’ on the veto override.
That brought the vote total to 73-44 in favor of letting Cooper know where the power in state government really resides.
As a result, the $24 billion budget is now law, notwithstanding the objection of the governor.
So now that the pork-laden, but tax-cutting budget is in statute, lawmakers now turn their attention to other matters. Perhaps there another constitutional amendment waiting to be filed regarding capping state income taxes – only time will tell.
What is certain is that Republicans are continuing there push for government sponsored internet services. House Bill 1086 would treat internet service infrastructure as some sort of public utility, authorizing counties to “provide high speed internet as a public enterprise.”
How about letting the free market work these things out?
Lawmakers expect to wrap up this short session by the end of this month, and hopefully the Big Government initiatives will fail to pass before Jones Street clears out for the year.
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