DURHAM – At this point it’s like they are trying to be as ludicrous as possible. It would be laughable if it weren’t so enraging and damaging.
The Durham Public Schools System has reopening six public schools. No, not in a reversal of their skittish and political all-virtual Pandemic Panic plans. Indeed, that policy remains in place because it’s far too dangerous to send kids to schools for in-person instruction and socializing.
Instead, these six schools are being reopened as ‘learning centers’ so kids can have a ‘safe space to complete online learning,’ enjoy meals and snacks, and engage in ‘social-emotional activities’ with supervision from adults that are apparently different from those too scared to set foot in a school to teach.
If you’re thinking, “Well, isn’t that just like school? Why can’t they just open the school?” you should know that it’s a little bit different than regular school in that the Durham Public School System is CHARGING $140 a week, plus a $35 registration fee to parents and students who desperately need a schooling option after the exact same DCPSS refused to open for the fall.
From WRAL:
“Opening our school year remotely is the right decision to protect our students and staff from COVID-19,” said DPS Superintendent Pascal Mubenga. “However, there are many families in Durham who need additional support during the school day. It will take a community effort to support each of these children, but DPS is doing its part.”
The DPS Learning Centers will provide a safe space to complete online learning, meals and snacks, and social-emotional activities. Students will be assigned to small pods with daily wellness screenings, distribution and required use of facemasks, and planned circulation and seating of six feet social distancing.
Learning centers in the elementary schools will open on Aug. 24. The middle schools will open on Aug. 31.
Access to the learning centers will be free from some students, such as those receiving McKinney-Vento services and in foster care, other families will pay a $35 registration fee and a monthly weekly rate as follows:
Regular rate: $140
DPS employee rate: $105
Rate for students receiving free or reduced-price lunches: $70.”
Not only is the public school system charging parents (again, because taxes), they are offering a preferred rate to public school employees so that the other parents scrambling to juggle both work and online education can subsidize public sector employees who are literally the reason schools could not open in the first place.
Oh, and it appears that it’s entirely unconstitutional (though the Marxists of the Durham Teachers Association would be all too happy to dismantle that document).
BREAKING: Durham is reopening public elementary schools as “learning centers”
They are charging families up to $140 per child per week.
That’s on top of what families already pay through property taxes.
That’s unconstitutional.
— Corey A. DeAngelis (@DeAngelisCorey) August 15, 2020
North Carolina constitution:
“The General Assembly shall provide by taxation and otherwise for a general and uniform system of free public schools, which shall be maintained at least nine months in every year, and wherein equal opportunities shall be provided for all students.”
— Corey A. DeAngelis (@DeAngelisCorey) August 15, 2020
If you made this up, it would be hard for people to believe as realistic because it is so patently absurd. They’d think it was a joke. It is.
Alas, here it is. Welcome to 2020.
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