RALEIGH – The N.C. House Republican caucus has set up a website listing the candidates of the N.C. House Democratic caucus, and filling it out with a bevy of opposition research that reveals the Democrats to be advocates for a Radical Leftist agenda that should make even reasonable Democrats cringe.
We’ll be parsing through the background info on all these candidates in the coming weeks and bringing you the best tidbits. It appears not all of the candidate research has been completed, yet. Some, though, have more than enough already to make you wonder how wacky the political landscape would be if there was in fact a Blue Wave come November.
Erica McAdoo, of House District 63 over in Alamance County, is one of sources of wonder.
“Erica McAdoo is a radical progressive attempting to portray herself as a moderate candidate. Don’t be fooled by her campaign doublespeak.
McAdoo has a pledged her support of a radical progressive agenda. By signing this pledge, McAdoo is embracing the extreme, liberal values of New York City over those held by the great citizens of Alamance County.
In fact, McAdoo even traveled to the Big Apple to collect checks to help fund her campaign and her radical agenda.
The Erica McAdoo’s progressive tax-and-spend agenda will cost more than 72 billion dollars (3.4 times the entire current NC budget) and would hurt Alamance County citizens by costing them jobs, massively increasing their taxes, thus damaging the local economy and their opportunities and prosperity.
- Enact a new government-run, single-payer health insurance system that would kick
- North Carolinians off their private health care plans, triple the size of the state’s budget, and require massive tax increases on workers and families to pay for it.
- Eliminate free speech rights protected by the United States Supreme Court
- Impose new costs and onerous regulations on building homes or commercial buildings putting the dream of home ownership out of reach for the average Alamance County middle-class family.”
The page then links to 35 pages of research on McAdoo, which you can peruse here.
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