RICHMOND, VA – Everyday a new development from the plethora of judicial cases attacking Republican policy emanating from Jones Street. Today comes news that the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals has granted a ‘Stay’ to Republican legislative leaders relating to judicial primaries.
“In a 2-1 decision Friday, 4th Circuit Judges Stephanie Thacker and Paul Niemeyer stayed Eagles’ decision, siding with Republican leaders who sought the reversal. Thacker is an Obama appointee, and Niemeyer was appointed by President George H.W. Bush.
Fourth Circuit Judge Diana Gribbon Motz, a Clinton appointee, voted to deny the motion, according to the order issued Friday, which did not elaborate on the judges’ reasonings.
Without primaries, candidates for judicial races will file for office in June instead of this month, when filing begins for state races with primaries. That filing period opens Monday and runs through the end of the month, something Republicans pointed to in arguing the primaries should stay canceled.”
Wow. An Obama appointee voted for the stay? The lower court must have really crossed the line in its ruling if that is the case.
So, now judicial elections will go on as a simple general election with loaded ballots. That, of course, favors the candidates recognized by people who do their research and actually know what they are voting for, and that should bode well for Republicans.
Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn every once in a while, it seems.
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