RALEIGH – When N.C. Supreme Court Chief Justice Mark Martin retired early to take a job in academia, Governor Roy Cooper was afforded the opportunity of appointing a replacement until the next election (2020). Martin was a Republican, Cooper a Democrat, and precedent pointed to elevating the next ranking justice, a Republican.
Instead, Cooper followed the partisan, pandering, Democrat playbook, and passed over the traditional pick to nominate a Democrat Justice: Cheri Beasley, the first African-American woman to serve in the role.
More than the Woke diversity kudos the pick earned Cooper among the Left, he also set the table for the Left to deem any 2020 Republican challenger to Beasley as likely sexist, but definitely racist.
Now that Beasley has all but certainly lost this razor thin, recounted election to Justice Paul Newby — the Republican associate justice that got snubbed by Cooper in the first place — there is only one thing for the Left to do.
Cry racism.
From the News & Observer:
“N&O’s analysis shows that the Newby campaign challenged the ballots of Black voters at nearly three times the rate of white voters, a disparity that largely persists regardless of party.”
During the recount process, each campaign jockeyed to challenge certain ballots to argue they should or shouldn’t count for myriad legal reasons. The N&O is saying that the Newby campaign was racist, targeting black people to invalidate their vote.
This is coming from the same sources that preach unity, and accepting declared election results, no questions asked.
Yet it’s standard fare for the Left and their allies in the media. So, how exactly was the Newby campaign ‘targeting’ black voters for disenfranchisement. That’s a good question; because, if you haven’t noticed, your ballot doesn’t contain an ‘I Voted’ Selfie to verify your race when recounting ballots.
The frivolousness of the charge is pointed out in detail by former NCGOP director Dallas Woodhouse at Civitas Institute:
“[…] Volunteers and staff examine absentee and provisional ballot paperwork on site at the board of elections. The absentee ballot envelopes do not contain racial data or even political affiliation of the voter. What volunteers can see is missing signatures and witness information, which would make the ballots invalid.
The party would then have to run the names individually to screen for race, which is time consuming and labor intensive. The News and Observer’s own reporting shows that the Republican Party did not even screen their protests for party, but we are expected to believe they did so for race, in the absence of evidence?
There is no logical reason for a party to do this. The NCGOP already knew that the Democrats were winning absentee mail votes. And ballots that were accepted under questionable circumstances, were as a whole not likely to cut their direction, no matter the race of the voter.
There is also something to be said for a political party wanting the law upheld and a constant standard applied to all voters, period. […]”
What the N&O is doing, Woodhouse says, is “irresponsible race baiting.” But it won’t work, he concludes. The outcome will remain the same; that conservative judges swept up in the 2020 elections in North Carolina, and Paul Newby was ‘Chief’ among them.
Get the rest of Woodhouse disassembling the N&O’s spurious smear here.
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