According to Barack Obama, President Donald Trump is not acting on “global warming” because he is a hateful, angry racist with “mommy issues.”
The failed former President made the comments while speaking Monday at the Obama Foundation in Chicago, never once mentioning President Trump by name.
Obama argued that the reason issues like “climate change” were not being addressed is because of anger, racism, and “mommy issues.”
“The reason we don’t do it is because we are still confused, blind, shrouded with hate, anger, racism, mommy issues,” Obama said.
There is no word from Obama on how exactly “racism” and/or “mommy issues” actual factor into this perceived inaction on “climate change,” but we’ll continue digging for answers to this critical question.
You can watch Obama’s full comment here:
Obama takes a veiled shot at Trump: Says he’s not acting on global warming because of “hate, anger, racism — mommy issues.”
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) November 20, 2018
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