Sadly, it is no surprise that leftist nutcases have come to view violence and the threat of violence as legitimate discourse if they disagree with your politics.
Dana Loesch, a spokeswoman for the National Rifle Association and popular conservative stalwart frequently defending liberty-minded policy on national media, has been forced to move her family out of their home after an onslaught of death threats.
From PJ media:
Radio host and NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch explained on Fox News’ The Story with Martha MacCallum Monday why she has been forced to pack up and move her family out of her house.
Following the Las Vegas massacre, Loesch said she and her family — including her children — have received credible violent and vile threats from gun-control advocates and other political opponents because of her role with the National Rifle Association.
Loesch on Sunday described what she has been going through on Twitter, following the lead of other women who were using the #MeToo hashtag to share their personal stories about sexual harassment and sexual assault in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal.
Loesch tweeted on Sunday that one guy threatened to shoot her in her front yard. Another guy posted photos of her house on social media and threatened to “rape her to death,” she said. Another gun-control advocate threatened to hunt her down and assault her, and then dragged her kids into it.
She wrote: “The culture is only non-conservative women deserve respect. It’s idiotic, demonstrated daily, and deserving of more than 140 chars.”
So, people that are for gun control because they feel that guns, not people, are responsible for violence in America are threatening to rape this brave woman to death. How utterly depraved the left has become. Unfortunately, such threats of violence have become more and more common place among those on the left.
This is exactly why individuals deserve the right to self-protection enshrined in the Second Amendment.
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