RALEIGH – The N.C. General Assembly convenes today to handle some ‘unfinished business.’ That could include an attempt to complete the override process of Governor Roy Cooper’s budget veto with a vote in the N.C. Senate as notice was given that the bill would be on the docket Tuesday, but supplemental bills that were also vetoed have already failed in early afternoon attempts to override.
The House overrode the budget veto in late 2019, catching the Democrats off guard when numbers were in the Republicans’ favor. As unlikely as that was, it is even more so after Democrats suffered such an embarrassing blow.
In addition to failing to override those vetoes, the Senate also voted on the resolution to adjourn the January session and sent a special message to the House. As of yet there has not been a vote on the overall budget veto override, but senators are due back from a recess later this afternoon.
Could they have the votes? A lot of state employees and program directors are certainly ready for some resolution, and the citizens of North Carolina for level for a functioning government. We won’t hold our breath, but never say never. You can follow the action on the Senate audio feed here when they resume at 2:30 PM.
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