Excerpt By: The Charlotte Observer. Written By: Collin Campbell.
House Speaker Tim Moore said Wednesday that Gov. Roy Cooper’s proposed compromise to repeal House Bill 2 doesn’t have support in his chamber.
Moore joined Senate leader Phil Berger in opposing the plan, which would repeal the controversial LGBT law while also toughening penalties for crimes committed in bathrooms. It would also require local governments to give the legislature 30 days’ notice before approving any new nondiscrimination ordinances.
“I don’t think that proposal is something that would see passage in the House,” Moore told The News & Observer Wednesday afternoon. “It’s really not anything new from what we’ve seen before.
“The thing we’ve made clear from day one is that we need to maintain the privacy and the protection of individuals when it comes to showers, changing rooms and locker rooms. We’re going to safeguard that.”
Berger made a similar critique of Cooper’s HB2 plan on Tuesday, saying that “the idea of trotting out something like this and calling it a compromise seems to be to be just a perpetuation of the current status.”
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