RALEIGH – Doing something in government, while sometimes not easy, is always infinitely less difficult than undoing that thing. The Pandemic Panic has provided for a lot of such examples, and the Left is leveraging the chaos of the crises they fomented for political gains, naturally.
Mask mandates, business shutdowns, school closures; all easy to trigger, and proving all but impossible to undo. But it’s the voting rules changes the Pandemic Panic provided for that may prove the hardest to rectify. Indeed, the Leftists at the Raleigh News & Observer Editorial Board argue that any effort by Republican lawmakers to rein in and secure the most notoriously fraud-prone and vulnerable form of voting their is, or merely dare to oppose the expansion into some insecure universal vote by mail system, makes said lawmakers guilty of voter suppression. Oh, and it makes them racists (almost forgot).
From the N&O editorial’s conclusion:
“[…] Around the nation, Republicans aren’t getting that message. They’re reverting to voter suppression. A January roundup of election law legislation published by the Brennan Center for Justice reported that “In a backlash to historic voter turnout in the 2020 general election, and grounded in a rash of baseless and racist allegations of voter fraud and election irregularities, legislators have introduced three times the number of bills to restrict voting access as compared to this time last year.”
The proposed restrictions include limiting voting by mail, stricter voter ID requirements, limiting access to registration and more aggressive purging of voters rolls.
On a positive note, the Brennan Center also found that 35 states have pending legislation that would expand voter access. Among the proposals are calls to let all voters vote by mail, make it easier to correct flawed absentee ballots and restore the voting rights of individuals with past convictions.
We hope North Carolina’s Republican lawmakers don’t revert to voter suppression – and its cousin, gerrymandering – in the coming session. Suppressing votes and skewing elections with gerrymandering is ultimately a losing course. North Carolina Republicans need to find a way to win not by stifling democracy, but by engaging it.
After all, it worked in 2020.”
For the record, THIS is how allied forces of the Left engaged Democracy in 2020, and they’re bragging about it.
The pathetic hypocrisy of these Leftist aside, this new standard they’re weaving into the narrative means that simply agreeing with Democrat NC Attorney General Josh Stein circa 2018 must mean you’re a racist champion of voter suppression peddling ‘baseless’ allegations of fraud.
Of course, under the guise of Pandemic Panic, the 2020 election rules in North Carolina were loosened (illegally) even further than that which caused AG Stein such concern in 2018. Curiously, Stein became absentee voting’s biggest cheerleader once the Democrat’s 2020 script was finally approved. McCrae Dowless; who’s he?
The editorial goes on to tease Republicans with data showing good turn out among their base during the expansion of voting allowances, but the motive becomes nakedly transparent shortly thereafter as they essentially beg for Republicans not to tighten up the rules, while calling them racists for even thinking it’s necessary.
Reinforcing the integrity of absentee voting, requiring voter ID’s and witness signatures, and purging voter rolls of non-citizens, illegal aliens, ghost voters, and dead people is some of the bigoted evil things Republicans have proposed amid the most dramatic unconstitutional voting rules changes and largely unanswered and substantive allegations of fraud in modern history, according to the N&O Editorial Board.
But as is often the case, the tools used by the Left to bludgeon and smear their opponents in order to advance their agenda, there’s a lot of projection involved here.
Advancing the notion that securing the vote against potential fraud, ensuring voter integrity, is actually active voter suppression born of racist motivations really means that the N&O Editorial Board authors (guys who like to don’t attach their name to such things) must hold quite a low opinion of black people’s and other minorities’ ability to operate under such a common sense, universally low-burden system of rules for participating in fair elections.
Sounds pretty…racist.
Read the rest of the N&O’s racist editorial board’s piece here.
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