From Carolina Journal:
The latest Spectrum Poll shows voters probably aren’t sold on all six proposed constitutional amendments. A number of factors, including coordinated opposition to some and the number of amendments on the ballot, may have caused this split.
SurveyUSA queried 1,200 North Carolina adults on behalf of Spectrum News from Oct. 26 to Oct. 29. Of the 1,200, 1,008 were registered voters. SurveyUSA identified 659 people who have already returned a ballot or who are likely to do so before the Nov. 6 deadline. The credibility interval for the 1,008 registered voters is plus or minus 4.4 percent, and plus or minus 6 percent for the 659 voters.
Likely voters were asked about the six proposed constitutional amendments — which were placed on the ballot by the General Assembly during the 2017 and 2018 sessions. A few seem likely to pass while others are struggling to gain traction.
Specifically, the Judicial Selection for Midterm Vacancies Amendment has low approval among likely voters. SurveyUSA found that only […]
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