RALEIGH – The public opinion polling outfits are kicking into gear for the 2020 election season. Now, the polling outfits are definitely not all the same, with so many of them having a bad habit of overweighting polls for Democrats in order to shape the public’s opinion instead of measure it.
That’s why you see so many polls held up by the Leftist media complex touting Joe Biden’s double-digit lead over President Donald Trump. If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you…
But a new poll among North Carolina voters paints a more realistic assessment of how the major races in our state are stacking up. That clearer picture puts Trump atop Biden, it also shows the battle between Governor Roy Cooper and Lt. Gov. Dan Forest to be well within the margin or error.
From Cardinal Point Analytics:
“In its first publicly released poll of the 2020 Election Cycle, the Cardinal Point Analytics Poll shows President Donald Trump with a slight lead over former Vice President Joe Biden – 48.6% to 47.7%. President Trump is leading among non-partisan voters with 52.6% support and 8.9% support among African Americans.
US Senator Thom Tillis is trailing challenger Cal Cunningham. Cunningham leads Tillis by 3 percentage points with 6.1% undecided.
Governor Roy Cooper enjoys a 2.5 percentage point lead over challenger Lt. Governor Dan Forest.
Cardinal Point’s voter preference survey was conducted between July 13 – 15, 2020, of approximately 550 likely North Carolina voters with a 4.2 percentage point margin of error at a 95% confidence level. […]”
That’s a much different picture than the one Left-leaning media is presenting. They’d like you to think that both Trump and Forest are significantly lagging their competition by double digits (and then they’ll turn around and blast Forest for the sin of….campaigning).
Even in sharing this polling, which is all within the margin of error, ‘Trump leads, and Forest is tied,’ is what we’d like to see. That’s the optimistic view, but we’re quite careful of not suffering delusions like the Left.
North Carolina is a must-win for President Donald Trump, if he hopes to retain the Oval Office for another four years he’ll need to make a big showing again in the Old North State.
And Dan Forest will have to overcome the limitations of campaigning under King Cooper’s unwarranted emergency restrictions and a media complex aligned to elect Leftists. While the poll results are hardly the ‘way behind’ narrative the media likes to paint Forest with, these results still mean Forest has a lot of work to do to make up for Cooper’s incumbency advantage between now and election day.
You can view the full poll results here.
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