![erica smith](https://firstinfreedomdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/image13-1200x630.png)
RALEIGH – There are a handful of North Carolina Democrats running for U.S. Senate in 2020. Of the bunch, Cal Cunningham, a former state lawmaker appeared to be leading the charge in recent weeks — he’s a good-looking, successful businessman that served in the Marines and is raising big money — but things may be changing.
The astute Tim Boyum of Spectrum News points out that a Republican group, which was targeting Cunningham for attacks, has now switched it’s focus to another potential Democratic opponent of incumbent Thom Tillis.
This is interesting- @NRSC had largely been targeting @CalforNC in #ncsen #ncpol #ncga @EricaforUSSen20 @SenThomTillis @ThomTillis pic.twitter.com/nrC0RVRYGU
— Tim Boyum (@TimBoyumTV) August 12, 2019
Smith, a state senator, must me making some progress in the Democratic primary pecking order if the NRSC is now trained on outing her liberal agenda, which, as Boyum says, is interesting.
The NRSC, though, is playing defense for Tillis. That’s a hard job because Tillis is the least popular senator in the entire country, and he’s facing challengers in the Republican primary as well.
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