FAYETTEVILLE – After legislative redistricting forced some of the few reliable conservatives to bow out of the General Assembly, a young and energetic conservative is looking to inject some fresh, pure conservative blood into the increasingly diluted Republican caucus on Jones Street.
Republican Patrick Petsche is running in House District 44 to unseat incumbent Democrat Rep. Billy Richardson, and plans to be the “guardian for Liberty” for the Fayetteville area.
“Patrick Petsche has launched a website and Facebook page to promote his campaign. “Patrick Petsche will be an honest guardian of Liberty in the 44th House District in North Carolina, guided by the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Rule of Law,” his website and Facebook page say.
Petsche is a Terry Sanford High School graduate from Fayetteville who graduated from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University at Daytona Beach with a bachelor’s degree in spaceflight operations and a minor in human factors.”
A young, conservative brainiac? Yes, please. It gets better, though. Petsche isn’t simply an academic success with a constitutional mooring; he is a life success that understands the moral underpinnings of what it means to ‘pull yourself up by your bootstraps.’
“Petsche’s father died when he was 16 and his mother was diagnosed with several illnesses after that.
“I know what it’s like to open the fridge with no food, to have the sheriff knock on your door saying we have to leave. I have lived the system and got out of it through hard work,” Petsche said. “I know what it takes to bring real reform. We need younger people in Raleigh who have those commonalities with the people we are trying to help.”
As a representative, Petsche said he will work to bring people across party lines to bring reform to issues such as criminal justice, veterans’ benefits, education and energy.”
Democrats have a nasty habit of smearing Republicans as callous enemies of the poor, often invoking class warfare talking points to claim the mantel of compassion. Now, imagine any one of them in a House floor debate on, say, the “meanness” of tax cuts against a Petsche.
It’s fair to say there would be no contest there, as Democrats would be unable to play the victim card.
Further, Petsche does not seem content to take a seat on Jones Street just to partisan votes. Instead, this independent thinker, much in the mold of Sen. Rand Paul, sees ways that the cause of limited government can be advanced through bringing parties together on specific issues where consensus exists.
“Although I do not believe principles should be compromised, I know there are many issues which Republicans and Democrats can create coalitions to fight certain issues that are super important to our state and our communities,” he said. “The 44th District needs to be represented by a fresh set of eyes that our state desperately needs.”
Having met Petsche personally, this author knows how dedicated he is to the cause of Liberty. He has put considerbale effort into that fight as well, having worked on Sen. Rand Paul’s presidential campaign as Florida director and later on his senate re-election campaign.
That level of dedication, paired with youthful vigor and fresh insight is sorely needed in the legislature.
He recognizes the threat of political correctness and convention for convention’s sake, even walking away from aeronautical engineering jobs because the Big Government mentality was so pervasive.
Too often, the younger class of elected leaders are those infected with Leftist philosophies they absorbed in undergrad and confirmed through their Millennial echo chambers, instead of taking an honest look at the real world.
We need voices like Petsche as representatives in the people’s House.
Learn more about this up and coming conservative at his campaign website of visit him at his Facebook page.
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