The free market is at work again, ladies and gentlemen.
And it’s a beautiful sight to see, indeed.
According to a report from The Daily Caller, The Weekly Standard, a sanctimonious #NeverTrump rag run by establishment hack Bill Kristol, is preparing to shut down in the coming weeks.
After more than three years of bashing and attacking President Trump, typically for absurd reasons, and pushing a brand of faux-conservatism that actual conservatives have rejected for a decade now, market forces have apparently caught up to the Standard.
Daily Caller – The Weekly Standard is not expected to survive going into 2019 and is preparing to shut down permanently, according to a current staff member and former member of the magazine’s parent company who spoke to The Daily Caller News Foundation.
Rumors had been circulating throughout the media class Tuesday about the fate of The Weekly Standard in the wake of the magazine’s dwindling readership and circulation, despite a rebranding effort as the preeminent right-leaning periodical for conservatives opposed to President Donald Trump.
“I don’t expect it to exist after December 14, 2018,” one editor at the magazine told TheDCNF. “There is no budget for it AT ALL.”
News broke Tuesday afternoon from CNN that the magazine’s editor-in-chief Stephen Hayes addressed staff about the magazine’s troubles, but did not go into detail about what the future might hold.
“Supposedly Steve Hayes doesn’t even know [beyond what CNN reported],” the staffer said.
This is really not a good look for Kristol and the Standard’s leadership.
Leaving your staff completely in the dark, specifically your editor-in-chief, when your company apparently has less than 10 days before shutting its doors forever, is a scumbag move if there ever was one.
The Weekly Standard was founded in 1995 by Kristol and Fred Barnes but, for some reason, was purchased in 2009 by billionaire Philip Anschutz.
But according to The Daily Caller, people close to the matter say Anschutz was growing frustrated with the direction of the Standard, and rightfully so.
One former employee of The Washington Examiner, which is a member of the same parent company as The Weekly Standard, told The Daily Caller that there has been talk that portions of the Standard could be folded into the Examiner.
“They’re either closing or they’re folding into a page of the Washington Examiner,” the former employee said.
But a current editor at The Weekly Standard seemingly shot down that possibility.
“I don’t think ‘folded’ is the right word. It sounds more like get rid of us entirely,” the editor said.
So with that, we will bid farewell to The Weekly Standard, though it’s a near impossibility that anyone will ever miss them.
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
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