RALEIGH – The early vote in North Carolina, as around the nation, is blowing out numbers from 2016. As of close of polls Monday, almost half of North Carolina’s 7.3 million registered voters had already cast their ballots early.
Old North State Politics with the data breakdown (as of 10/26):
Data on North Carolina’s accepted absentee ballots, through 10-26:
Total Ballots: 3,411,834
Absentee OneStop (In-Person): 2,607,031
Absentee by mail: 804,803
Accepted absentee vote methods by party registration numbers#ncpol #ncvotes pic.twitter.com/h2OgWtuTPn
— Old North State Politics (@OldNorthStPol) October 27, 2020
NC total accepted absentee ballots, thru 10-26:
Comparison of 2016 to 2020 cumulative daily totals of mail and onestop (in-person) absentee ballots by days out from Election Day
(FYI: mail request deadline is today; in-person ends on Day 3, Oct. 31).#ncpol #ncvotes pic.twitter.com/SFc2eAF0MP
— Old North State Politics (@OldNorthStPol) October 27, 2020
NC total accepted absentee (mail & in-person) ballots, thru 10-26:
Comparison between 2016 daily total ballots to 2020 daily total ballots, by days out from Election Day
Additional processing by counties tend to adjust daily numbers after initial day reporting#ncpol pic.twitter.com/v3qcj8SCPa
— Old North State Politics (@OldNorthStPol) October 27, 2020
NC daily accepted absentee onestop (in-person) ballots, thru 10-26:
Comparison of daily numbers between 2016 and 2020 based on days out from Election Day for *just* in-person (absentee onestop) early votes
AOS = 76% of NC’s total absentee ballots so far#ncpol #ncvotes pic.twitter.com/Ee31uzNkni
— Old North State Politics (@OldNorthStPol) October 27, 2020
NC daily accepted absentee by mail ballots, thru 10-26:
Comparison of daily numbers between 2016 and 2020 based on days out from Election Day for *just* mail-in early votes
(which is 24% of NC’s 2020 total absentee ballots so far)#ncpol #ncvotes pic.twitter.com/ZK3JWWiyXa
— Old North State Politics (@OldNorthStPol) October 27, 2020
NC total accepted absentee ballots, thru 10-26:
By vote methods (absentee by mail and absentee onestop/in-person)
by party registration %s within each method and total of absentee ballots (early votes)#ncpol #ncvotes pic.twitter.com/ZE5e1xNFDY
— Old North State Politics (@OldNorthStPol) October 27, 2020
NC currently has 7.3M+ registered voters
Currently 47% of NC’s total registered voters having already “banked their ballot” for Nov. 3
Within party registrations:
Reg Democrats: 52% have voted
Republicans: 47%
Unaffiliated: 41%#ncpol #ncvotes pic.twitter.com/76PsQxyVBP— Old North State Politics (@OldNorthStPol) October 27, 2020
2016’s NC electorate saw 69% of registered voters cast ballots (total of 4.7M votes)
This year, 69% of 7.3M = 5M potential voters
If NC’s Nov. 3 electorate is 5M (total # of ballots cast):
3.4M+ represents 68% of NC’s potential electorate has already voted#ncpol #ncvotes
— Old North State Politics (@OldNorthStPol) October 27, 2020
NC total accepted absentee (both mail & in-person) ballots, thru 10-26:
66% from White Non-Hispanic
20% from Black Non-Hispanic
2% from Hispanic/Latino
4% from all other races Non-Hispanicby Voter Race-Ethnicity and Party Registration within#ncpol #ncvotes pic.twitter.com/PgrYSqcPQq
— Old North State Politics (@OldNorthStPol) October 27, 2020
NC total accepted absentee ballots (both mail & in-person), thru 10-26, by generation cohorts & daily % change:
40% Boomers
25% Gen X
18% Millennials (+1)
11% Greatest/Silent
6% Gen Zby Generations & Party Registration within cohorts#ncpol #ncvotes pic.twitter.com/mJXsq0eC9B
— Old North State Politics (@OldNorthStPol) October 27, 2020
NC total accepted absentee ballots (mail & in-person), thru 10-26, by voter regions:
29% Urban Central City Voters
27% Urban Suburb Voters
25% Surrounding Suburban County Voters
19% Rural County Votersby Regions & Party Registrations within each#ncpol #ncvotes pic.twitter.com/2PqzJWczX7
— Old North State Politics (@OldNorthStPol) October 27, 2020
NC total accepted absentee ballots, thru 10-26:
Voters who voted in 2016’s election (& vote method) OR registered in/after 2016, by party reg
57%: voted 2016 absentee onestop
3%: 2016 absentee by mail
16%: 2016 Election Day
24% ‘new’ voters#ncpol #ncvotes pic.twitter.com/K4oPQ00UC6— Old North State Politics (@OldNorthStPol) October 27, 2020
NC total accepted absentee ballots, thru 10-26:
2020 cumulative daily total #s and %s by party registration, based on days out from Election Day#ncpol #ncvotes pic.twitter.com/EtTw3bKIHG
— Old North State Politics (@OldNorthStPol) October 27, 2020
As of 10-26, of NC’s 7.3M+ registered voters
3.4M+ early votes = 47% of NC’s total registered voters having already “banked a ballot” for Nov. 3
Within voter race-ethnicity:
49% of White & 47% of Black voters have voted
31% of Hispanic/Latino have voted#ncpol #ncvotes pic.twitter.com/lY9DIWT7e0
— Old North State Politics (@OldNorthStPol) October 27, 2020
TODAY (10/27) is the deadline for requesting a NC absentee by mail ballot (request here–> https://t.co/7COb5tNAxu)
804K have been returned & accepted out of current 1.4M+ requested, through 10-26
Party registrations within requests & returned/accepted#ncpol #ncvotes pic.twitter.com/dYFZ1vPlYX
— Old North State Politics (@OldNorthStPol) October 27, 2020
NC absentee by mail ballots that have been returned and accepted vs. those still outstanding, through 10-26
numbers by party registration#ncpol #ncvotes pic.twitter.com/KRwSrMZkzw
— Old North State Politics (@OldNorthStPol) October 27, 2020
NC absentee by mail ballots, through 10-26:
Requested, Returned & Accepted/Cured, and the “accepted rate” for all party registrations and total accepted rate based on requests so far#ncpol #ncvotes pic.twitter.com/IkSEuOApBn
— Old North State Politics (@OldNorthStPol) October 27, 2020
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