RALEIGH – Jonathan Kappler of the N.C. Free Enterprise Foundation stays on top of election numbers with great insights about everything from absentee voting trends to the closest U.S. House races in the Old North State.
Regarding the latter, he’s compiled a list of projections from multiple media outlets to give you a sense of where these races stand. Take a look.
Realized I had missed some changes, so I’ve updated the @NCFEF 2018 Congressional Race Ratings table noting the ratings of competitive NC-based US House races #NCPOL #NC02 #NC09 #NC13 pic.twitter.com/VtRnf4Bc6z
— Jonathan Kappler (@jonathankappler) October 4, 2018
It looks like Pittenger may be in trouble. However, the thing about projections and polls is, you never REALLY know until election day.
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