RALEIGH – If you’ve been under the impression that the Republican Party was built upon a governing philosophy of limited government, free markets, and liberty – you know, conservatism – NCGOP Vice Chair wants to clear up the apparent confusion for you.
In a Facebook posting last Thursday, that has since been removed, Nix explains:
Hmmm. Sounds like the NCGOP leadership may be a little tired of being criticized for not being conservative enough and feel the need to let the little grassroots people know that conservative doesn’t feature in the party name.
But conservatives know that the aforementioned conservative values are exactly what the Republican Party is supposed to stand for.
Those values are usually spelled out in a party platform, which would have just been approved at the recent NCGOP state convention. A visit to the North Carolina Republican Party’s website to find that party platform produces an amusing result:
Maybe they’re working to take all the conservative planks out? Just kidding.
No matter, the NCGOP’s 2017 Report of the Platform Committee makes it clear that, while Republicans certainly don’t follow the platform consistently, the platform itself is definitely constructed with conservative planks.
Pro-family, traditional marriage, Pro-Life, Religious Liberty, Free Markets, Property Rights, Constitutional Government, Minimized Taxes, Individual Liberty, Anti-Eminent Domain, Pro-Second Amendment, Limited State Government, Anti- Government Debt, Anti-Illegal Immigration, Voter ID, School Choice, Parental Rights, Merit System for Teachers, Free Markets, Free Trade, Capitalism, Anti-Green Energy Mandates, 10th Amendment (State/People Powers), Anti-Amnesty…
That all sounds pretty conservative to me. One might even think to be a good platform Republican necessitates being a solid conservative.
One would be “confused”, though, according to Nix.
It is very clear that these days having an ‘R’ beside your name does not make you a true Republican (Sen. Thom Tillis?). To be a true Republican is to hold and practice the conservative values and Individualist philosophy of the Republican Party as founded.
Those are the values that animated North Carolina voters in 2010 and beyond to put Republicans into the legislative super-majority position they are in today. Too often that power seeps into politicians and party leaders in such a way as to cause them to forget just what that ‘R’ beside their name is supposed to mean.
That is exactly what creates the opening the new Constitution Party of North Carolina has walked through to present principled candidates in the next election.
Take a look at the 2017 NCGOP party platform and then try to reconcile how party leaders think that this is not supposed to be a conservative party dictated by conservative principles.
The only real confusion seems to be coming from the top.
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