A millennial NCGOP staffer and failed candidate for the NC House has a rather novel idea for how Republicans can win more elections: pander to the radical left!
Now, I know what you may be thinking – what could this failed millennial candidate possibly teach Republicans about winning elections – but this isn’t your ordinary millennial, folks.
After all, said millennial, Catherine Whiteford, is so special Dallas Woodhouse, Robin Hayes, and the rest of the NCGOP felt she deserved to be paid roughly $13,000 by the state party while she was running for the NC House.
Clearly, she has to know what’s she’s talking about, right? Why else would the political geniuses that handed liberals control of the state Supreme Court and lost the super majority in the General Assembly be paying her thousands of dollars while she was losing her own race?
Whiteford, who also happens to represent North Carolina on the Young Republicans National Committee, took to Twitter on Sunday afternoon to give Republican candidates her best bit of advice.
Sadly, though, it appears she simply made it abundantly clear that she wants nothing more than to be the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of the NCGOP.
We need drastic change.
I was the 1st REP candidate to ever have a booth at Raleigh Pride which is a shame. We need to go out there, talk with everyone in our community, & look at each person for who they ARE, not their race, creed, or sexuality. #ncpolhttps://t.co/BkKAV2fMWz
— Catherine Whiteford (@CEWhiteford) November 18, 2018
As Brant Clifton of The Daily Haymaker rightly pointed out, it’s interesting to see a candidate talk about the need to “look at each person for who they ARE, not their race, creed, or sexuality” while simultaneously bragging about attending an event that is, above all, about celebrating specific sexual proclivities.
Of course, Whiteford also conveniently forgets that the “Raleigh Pride” parade that she’s so proud of herself for attending was organized and attended by many of those who cheered just last year when a “Gays for Trump” float was flatly rejected from participating in the “Charlotte Pride” parade.
It’s really hard to engage a group of people when, you know, they don’t want you to engage them.
Unsurprisingly, many well-connected, establishment Republicans (read: those responsible for the downfall and complete abandonment of actual conservatism by the NCGOP) cheered Whiteford’s suggestion.
John Hood, President of the Pope Foundation, and Rick Henderson, Editor-in-Chief of the Carolina Journal, were both among the whopping 8 people who “liked” Whiteford’s Tweet.
Julie Adams-Scheurich, a leftist health care lobbyist and former staffer on liberal Erskine Bowels’ failed run for the U.S. Senate in 2004, also thought the Tweet was just brilliant. Imagine that.
Look, if we’ve learned anything over the past few years, it’s that the far-left has zero desire to engage in a constructive dialogue.
It’s their way or no way.
You either completely agree with them, or they’ll bring a mob of violent leftists to your home and threaten your families’ lives and well-being.
The NCGOP is in desperate need of a major overhaul, no doubt about it.
But continuing to allow people like Catherine Whiteford, Dallas Woodhouse, and Robin Hayes to have any role in leading the state party in a direction that is more about appeasing the far-left than actual conservatism is definitely not the answer.
And the results of mid-term elections across North Carolina, specifically the beatdown wildly unpopular Democrat Greir Martin put on Whiteford, should prove it.
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