RALEIGH – We’re running out of phrases to intimate that the developments out of the 9th Congressional District related to fraud keep getting deeper and more damning. Suffice to say, it’s getting worse as evidence piles up.
The pile has gotten high enough that Dallas Woodhouse, the Executive Director of the NCGOP, is reportedly “open” to a new election.
Breaking: Executive Director of NC Republicans says he’s open to new election in NC-9 Congressional race. Dallas Woodhouse told CNN’s Drew Griffin he was so upset after watching CNN’s coverage of alleged fraud last night, he threw up, “this has shaken us to the core.”
— Jim Sciutto (@jimsciutto) December 6, 2018
To put Woodhouse’s changing perspective in context, this comes less than a week after he argued in a press conference that the State Board of Elections should certify the race because the amount of votes in question would not make a difference in the end result. He argued further that holding a new special election would effectively disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of voters due to the historically abysmal turn out levels for special elections.
Now Woodhouse is throwing up and announcing he’s open to a new election.
This will only add to the momentum the Left has been building for just this purpose, making a new election increasingly likely. Everyone’s favorite California Democrat, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, is now saying the U.S. House may take the “extraordinary step” of calling for a new election if the winner is unclear amid allegations of voter fraud.
According to the Associated Press, Pelosi said Thursday the House “retains the right to decide who is seated.”
She said “any member-elect can object to the seating and the swearing-in of another member elect.”
So who will be in this new election? That’s the $64,000 question. Harris is toast politically. A new election will likely require an expedited primary election as well, due to the evidence of fraud in that race too, so, even Harris tries to weather the storm, his survival is not likely.
Stay tuned. There’s a lot more news coming.
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