WASHINGTON, D.C. – As expected, the NCGOP voted to censure U.S. Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) for his vote to convict President Private Citizen Donald Trump on an Article of Impeachment charging he called for a violent riot and insurrection on January 6, 2021.
It warrants reiterating that it is a ridiculous and disingenuous charge, debunked easily but for the narrative writers’ disinterest in reality and favor for ending Trumpism in a comprehensive purge. Many argue it is also plainly unconstitutional. Richard Burr was among them, a point which the central committee pointed out.
From the NCGOP:
“Tonight, the North Carolina Republican Party Central Committee voted unanimously to censure Senator Richard Burr for his vote to convict former President Trump in the impeachment trial which he declared to be unconstitutional.
The NCGOP agrees with the strong majority of Republicans in both the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate that the Democrat-led attempt to impeach a former President lies outside the United States Constitution.
Now that the Senate has voted to acquit President Trump, we hope that Democrats will set aside their divisive partisan agenda and focus on the American priorities of tackling the COVID-19 pandemic, safely reopening schools, and restarting the economy.”
While Republicans reprimand him, Democrats shower him with praise for his ‘brave vote of conscience.’ As if openly siding with the most powerful forces of the D.C. cabal in their quest to end Trump, making “retirement” in the Swamp more comfortable, is brave…
Burr didn’t take the censure vote in silence. Instead he regurgitated the ‘vote of conscience’ talking point. Then he did what’s he’s often done over the last four years; breathe air into an anti-Trump, anti-conservative narratives of the Left. In this case, he blames the censure on the popular delusion that Republicans are more loyal to a man, than to principles, advancing the Left’s ‘MAGA is a cult’ projection.
Burr’s statement:
“It is truly a sad day for North Carolina Republicans. My party’s leadership has chosen loyalty to one man over the core principles of the Republican Party and the founders of our great nation.”
Otherwise known as loyalty to the truth, and the conviction that it should count for something, especially here in the United States of America. While the NCGOP tentatively focused on the unconstitutional nature of the impeachment, the Republican voters around the state are furious with Burr because this action lends credibility to the LIE and SMEAR that Trump’s rhetoric and Republican voters’ merited suspicions of election fraud are themselves a violent and unacceptable affront to the Republic, to be impeached, punished, and erased.
For whatever their reasons, senators like Richard Burr and the six other Republicans that voted to convict, serve to help achieve this goal. Even those that didn’t vote to convict technically, but did so in grandstanding speeches from the floor like Sen. Mitch McConnell.
It is an insulting abandonment designed to end Trump, orphan his supporters, and leave them with no other options but to return to Mitch & Co. in 2022. The rank-and-file, however, are wise to it.
That’s why the grassroots isn’t even content with a mere censure; many are calling for his early retirement of a recall election. Do you think his ‘conscience’ will allow him to stay in office for a long two years with out the confidence of the voters that elected him?
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