RALEIGH – Democrats on Capitol Hill have been leveraging their uni-party control to advance an effective nationalization of federal elections via HR1, legislation that would band such voter integrity measures as requiring voter ID and cement the open-ended, fraud-prone mail in balloting schemes implemented amid the panic of pandemic politics.
It is a blatant abrogation of the States’ constitutional role in administering elections, designed to help ‘elect’ Democrats in perpetuity via federally mandated, wide open, insecure elections. All under the guise of being ‘For the People.’
While the measure has not yet passed the Senate, North Carolina lawmakers aren’t waiting to oppose the unconstitutional push to nationalize elections:
The Joint Resolution (HJR 330) was filed by a bevy of Republicans, and can be expected to receive partisan treatment from Democrats in the General Assembly, most of which who merely bend at the knee in fealty to Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
However, if passed out of the state legislature, Governor Roy Cooper cannot ‘veto’ a joint resolution. It would necessarily be transmitted, in accordance with constitutional rules, to congressional leaders, North Carolina’s congressional delegation, and to every state legislature in the union.
If you want to fight Democrats’ efforts to nationalize elections in a bid to secure their future electoral ‘victories,’ make sure your state representatives know you expect them to support this critical resolution in defense of the United States Constitution.
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