RALEIGH – About a month ago, a good number of Republican lawmakers int he N.C. General Assembly signed a letter addressed to the chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee and Sens. Richard Burr and Thom Tillis voicing their support for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and encouraging confirmation.
August 30, 2018 was well before allegations against nominee Brett Kavanaugh surfaced. Those accusations were conveniently held until the last minute, AFTER confirmation hearings were held. So, even assuming the Democrats’ attempted smear job contains any veracity whatsoever, this letter came before they even surfaced.
But the N.C. Democratic Party, true to form, is advertising this letter of support in a thinly veiled attempt to paint legislative Republicans int he Old North State as pro-sexual assault heathens.
As we watch this courageous woman testify, remember that nearly all Republicans in #NCGA signed onto a letter in support of Kavanaugh #ncpol https://t.co/SlPXpysgzj
— Robert Howard (@RobertWHoward) September 27, 2018
It’s sad, really, that these smear campaigns are what the Left has been reduced to. Their actual policy ideas are so poor, and unpopular, that the only effective strategy they can employ is the tried and true labeling of Republicans as misogynistic, racist, homophobes that hate women and want your children to have dirty air and water.
Even more sad? It often works.
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