[NCFIRE] Another month has past and the scourge of children being raped by illegal aliens in NC continues unabated.
For the month of July 2021, NCFIRE was able to document 22 illegal aliens who amassed 96 separate charges of child rape/child sexual assault.
I can not begin to imagine the horror these children had to endure and will continue to endue for the rest of their lives. I also can not imagine the guilt, anguish and anger the parents will have to live with, every time they look at their children.
If you want to help end this nightmare, I strongly urge you to contact your NC House Representative in Raleigh and insist they pass illegal immigration measures in NC. Their contact information can be found here. (Find your county, then click on the individual names for their contact info.)
We have posted the latest (July 2021) issue on our website here.
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