(From North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement)
As the summer months drag on and we are locked down under tyrannical executive orders from the Governor, apparently there is one group of individuals who those rules don’t apply to, illegal aliens.
July 2020 was another busy month for these monsters as NCFIRE was able to document 17 illegal aliens who committed (at least) 63 separate charges of child rape/child sexual assault in our state.
To see this months’ report, as well as the previous 7 years worth of monthly reports, visit our website at https://ncfire.info/
BTW: Each and every member of the NCGA, Republicans and Democrats (except those who have blocked our emails), receive these monthly reports and have been since 2007. You would think, at some point, enough of them would care what is happening to the children of NC and do something to stop this madness.
Apparently they haven’t received enough pressure from their constituents……
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