RALEIGH – Though illegal entries are down and enforcement of immigration laws (on a federal level) is up, the issue of illegal aliens committing hard crimes right here in the State of North Carolina is still pressing. It’s exacerbated by the fact that select Sanctuary Sheriffs persist in ignoring ICE detainer requests and freeing violent criminal illegal aliens back into the community where several have committed yet more crimes.
The worst of those crimes, of course, are those committed against children. For the month of January, NCFIRE reports more than 100 charges of child rape or child sexual assault by illegal aliens in North Carolina.
“After the expected lull in the December “child raping season”, NC’s illegal aliens have returned with a vengeance in 2020. They appear to be making up for lost time.
During the month of January 2020, NCFIRE was able to document 38 illegal aliens who committed 140 separate acts of child rape/child sexual assault.
This is a dramatic increase from previous months and we’re not exactly sure why except, NC’s lawmakers have STILL not done anything to strengthen our Sanctuary City law, or enact mandatory E-verify for ALL businesses, or even pass a law that forces law enforcement to check the immigration status of individuals they arrest and cooperate with ICE/DHS!
Until that day comes, NCFIRE will continue to post these monthly child rape reports, in the hopes that it sparks enough outrage in the public to demand their legislators take action to stop this nightmare that is being forced upon our families and children.
To see the latest report, go to this link:
To see the monthly reports since 2013, visit our website: https://ncfire.info/“
If there is to be state legislation that compels local law enforcement to cooperate with federal immigration authorities and their requests to detain criminal illegal aliens for deportation, Republicans will have to make their intolerance of this aggravating factor apparent at the ballot box by electing a super-majority that can enact it into law. While we’re obviously hopeful a Republican wins the governor’s race, insurance in the form of Republican clawbacks in the NC House and NC Senate are a must.
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