RALEIGH – When the NCGOP ousted the grassroots supported, and duly elected party chairman Hassan Harnett, his poor fundraising ability was one thing the party committee pointed to as a reason. Never mind the fact that Harnett was raising money at a clip that matched or exceeded the historical hauls for the party.
No matter, the NCGOP powers would snub the grassroots conservatives and their leadership choice, and (re)install a chairman that could raise money and lead the party to their liking.
The party has had success in the interim, maintaining super-majorities in the state legislature, carrying 10 of 13 congressional seats, and notching a key electoral win for President Donald Trump in 2016. All of that could have more to do with the grassroots activists and voters, than the party leadership – who knows.
What we do know, is that the NCGOP is now getting clobbered by the Democrats in the fundraising race. An area in which the handpicked leadership was supposed to excel.
“Republicans control the North Carolina legislature, but Democrats have a record amount of cash to help their candidates gain power this fall.
The N.C. Democratic Party on Thursday announced it has $5.8 million to help state House and state Senate candidates this fall. That figure sets a record for the party’s fundraising at this point in a midterm election year.
By contrast, the N.C. Republican Party reported having $1.3 million on hand. The party’s top elected officials are expected to provide financial support to Republican candidates. Senate leader Phil Berger has $1.6 million on hand.”
The party to party comparison is certainly made less ghastly when Republican leadership’s funds are accounted for, but the Democrats fundraising is still head and shoulders above past election cycles.
“The party says it has seven times more than it had by the same time in the 2014 election ($800,266) and 22 times more than the amount it had by the same time in 2010 ($252,467).
The party raised a record $2.3 million during this year’s second-quarter campaign period.
Wayne Goodwin, the state party chairman, said the numbers are evidence that momentum is on the Democrats’ side.
“Democrats across the state are outworking, outhustling, and outraising Republicans, showing that the grassroots energy and momentum are on our side and many Republicans are going to be caught flat-footed in November,” Goodwin said in a statement.
“The party is in the strongest position we have ever been in before a midterm election, with outstanding Democrats running in every single district for the first time ever and the resources and support they need to get their message out,” he said.”
That’s a lot of dough to spend on smear campaigns and seeing just how many voters can be convinced that Republicans are racists out to hurt the poor and disenfranchised. There is no doubt the millions in funds will be deployed in a manner typical of Leftists politics, using it to fuel their manufactured outrage machine.
But more money does not necessarily mean more votes. After building as much hype as possible about a 2018 blue wave on Jones Street, the fundraising numbers are about the only thing even making a splash so far.
Republicans have let people keep more of their money, and recently made a successful push to let voters have a say in key amendments to the constitution so future Democrat legislatures can’t reverse the respect for taxpayers. Those policies have proved popular, and that has been the consistent weak point of Democrats – their policies suck.
The big fundraising haul could contribute to polishing the turd that is the Democratic platform, but it’s still a turd.
And more money could mean more problems if it’s used to push maligning narratives that make moderate Democrats and unaffiliated voters roll their eyes and stay home.
As the summer burns, get ready to be inundated with about $6 million in campaign ads from the Left, but don’t expect that money to buy them any sense when it comes to policy that appeal to the people.
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