RALEIGH – Democrats in the North Carolina legislature reason that children under the age of 10 should not be labeled delinquents because they cannot be expected to understand juvenile court proceedings against them; they are simply too young.
From The Progressive Pulse:
“North Carolina law allows children as young as six years old with criminal complaints against them to go before judges in juvenile court and face the possibility of being labeled delinquents.
Legislators say six is too young for a child to face juvenile court proceedings. Bills with bipartisan support moving through the legislature would raise the minimum age to 10.
Rep. Marcia Morey, a Durham Democrat, is a sponsor of House bill 261 that raises the age.
Children younger than 10 are too young to understand court proceedings and assist in their own defense, said Morey, a former District Court judge. “They’re too young to be labeled delinquents before they have 10 candles on their birthday cake,” she said Wednesday at a House committee hearing on the bill. […]”
Simultaneously, Democrats in the General Assembly are ready to stand in unison against legislation prohibiting permanent, physiology-altering, psychologically-traumatic gender change surgeries and artificial hormonal deluges being performed on children.
Here, the Left argues that prohibiting a six year old boy from being prescribed hormones and surgical schedules to mutilate their genitals and live as the opposite gender isn’t protecting innocent children from extraordinarily consequential and complex decisions, it denies the child ‘critical care, dignity, and respect.’
Which is it, Democrats?
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