RALEIGH – Well it seems that the attacks against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh are expanding their connections to the triangle. Accuser Christine Blasey Ford is a UNC grad, and now a current N.C. State University professor and Yale classmate of Kavanaugh has come out to add his two cents about the latter’s drinking habits while in college.
It has nothing to do with actually corroborating or providing evidence about any sexual assault accusations lobbed at Kavanaugh, but that doesn’t matter. What matters to the Left is that they smear this man as much as possible to sink his nomination and hurt Republicans.
No, N.C. State history professor Charles Luddington plans to talk to the FBI Monday about how Kavanaugh’s history with alcohol in college and how he wasn’t a teetotaler. He witnessed him slur his words and stumble from inebriation while in college.
““I can unequivocally say that in denying the possibility that he ever blacked out from drinking, and in downplaying the degree and frequency of his drinking, Brett has not told the truth.”
Ludington also wrote that “when Brett got drunk, he was often belligerent and aggressive.”
Ludington was Kavanaugh’s classmate at Yale in the 80s and claims to have “direct knowledge” of Kavanaugh partying.
Ludington said he plans to speak to the FBI Monday morning in Raleigh.
“On many occasions I heard Brett slur his words and saw him staggering from alcohol consumption, not all of which was beer. When Brett got drunk, he was often belligerent and aggressive,” Ludington said.
While saying that youthful drinking should not condemn a person for life, Ludington said he was concerned about Kavanaugh’s statements under oath before the Senate Judiciary Committee.”
From the comments, it does not appear that Luddington is offering any proof of aggressiveness from an intoxicated college-aged Kavanaugh.
Last week Kavanaugh gave testimony about his drinking habits during the time period of the unsupported sexual assault allegations, which was high school. Don’t count us in the surprised camp if a red-blooded American male’s drinking stepped up a degree from high school to college. Also, it is hardly surprising the Luddington is a Democrat.
The extra week granted for an FBI investigation in the accusations against Kavanaugh was not intended to prove any wrongdoing – that can’t occur because there is no evidence to examine. It was designed, instead, to allow for more and more smears of Kavanaugh so the Democrats can score political points.
Luddington and others may have anecdotal stories about Brett Kavanaugh drinking like a college student while in college, but that relates to a sexual assault allegation while high school because it serves the same purpose for the Left: smear, malign, tarnish.
These allegations of heavy drinking in college should be taken along with all of the other evidence that Brett Kavanaugh was anything but a violent drunk that didn’t know when to put the bottle down. Like, graduating top of his class from an Ivy League school with out any sort of arrest record, going on to excel in law school, law practice, the highest levels of government, and the U.S. Court of Appeals (also with no alcohol fueled arrest record of any kind).
Most of us know that guy in college that was an awful drunk. Those people are not the ones to hit academic home runs and embark on continued records of success. If drinking was really a problem for Kavanaugh, as Luddington suggests, we’d never even know his name.
If alleged college behavior is a character reflection relevant to this whole ordeal, then the Left should be just as interested in Ford’s time in Chapel Hill.
Christine Blasey Ford was a classmate of mine at UNC. We graduated in 1988. I want to ask Christine if she remembers partying at Trolls, drinking at He’s Not Here. Hooking up with guys at Henderson Street. Eating at Time Out. Remember those days, Christine? Tell us about them.
— DC McAllister (@McAllisterDen) September 29, 2018
Yeah, let’s hear it.
Seriously, when will the sham end?
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