While so many other Republicans are tucking tail and begging for mercy from the leftist hordes, state Senator Dan Bishop (R-Charlotte) is going on the offensive:
In the wake of the violence in Charlottesville, Va., Saturday after white supremacist events and counterprotests, a North Carolina state senator compared the Black Lives Matter movement to the supremacists.
Republican Sen. Dan Bishop, who represents Senate District 39 in Mecklenburg County, said on Twitter Sunday that the “racist alt-right must be condemned” along with Antifa, an umbrella term for an activist anti-fascist movement, and Black Lives Matter, a group protesting police brutality and advocating for equality and black civil rights.
Really? This driveby has a very short memory. Black Lives Matter was the driving force behind those riots that tore Charlotte apart not too long ago. Here’s the left-wing crank Huffington Post:
[…] Destructive protests Tuesday that included shutting down eight-lane Interstate 85 and burning the contents of a tractor-trailer turned violent Wednesday. Along with the man shot to death, paramedics said two other people and six police officers suffered minor injuries.
Wednesday’s protest started as a downtown prayer vigil, but an angry group left the vigil and marched through downtown Charlotte.
They shouted “black lives matter” and “hands up; don’t shoot” while cursing at officers with bicycles blocking intersections. As the protesters approached the Omni hotel, officers in riot gear lined up outside arm in arm and a few marchers threw bottles and clods of dirt. […]
*Um, yeah. What a niiiiiiiice bunch of young people.*
Let’s not forget BLM’s role in stirring up Ferguson and Baltimore, as well.
Of course, the lefties showed so much tolerance and compassion for a POV that differed from theirs:
Another Twitter user, Jeb Stuart, whose profile says he is from Charlotte, asked Bishop whether he was equating BLM with those who wave Nazi flags.
Bishop said yes, “both violent, racist movements.”
Stuart: “What is racist about acknowledging the humanity of black people?”
Bishop: “I had in mind their chant ‘pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon.’ But knew better than to expect reciprocal decency.”
Stuart: “Individuals vary, but are the fundamental purposes of those movements morally equivalent?”
Bishop: “Chants usually collective acts. And my condemnation of extremists is unreciprocated.”
Dozens of Twitter users had responded to Bishop’s tweet by Monday in opposition to his comments.
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