RALEIGH – Proving that he is nothing more than Far Left Democrat, Governor Roy Cooper vetoed legislation that one require doctors give adequate care to a child born alive after an attempted abortion. Tuesday, the N.C. Senate Republicans (and one Democrat) overrode that veto; Thursday the N.C. House will try to override the veto as well.
Senate Bill 359 is pretty straightforward: If an attempted abortion results in the live birth of an infant, that child is owed the same legal protections as any other, and a doctor can be held criminally liable if he or she fails to provide the same medical care given to other newborns.
How, you might ask, could someone be against that? It’s a great question, and the unfortunate answer is that some have been so corrupted by a “progressive” political philosophy that they have detached themselves from basic moral precepts. Roy Cooper certainly falls into this category, along with every other Democratic senator that voted to uphold his veto.
One Democrat in the N.C. Senate, however, had the courage to stand against the rest of his caucus and the governor. Sen. Don Davis (D-Pitt) decided that his basic moral compass could not be ignored just to please the Party Big Dogs. The Radical Left is ripping Davis over this thoughtful decision, of course, because in their view he just became a sell-out. Davis’ vote to override was gave the senate the critical three-fifths threshold required.
The bill now heads to the N.C. House where the vote whipping will be a little more tense. Republicans hold a thin majority in that chamber, so Democrats will necessarily have more leverage to make a stand against life. And that’s exactly what they are doing.
By the end of this week we should know just how completely the Democrats in the General Assembly have lost their connection to what used to be common American values.
Follow the vote on Senate Bill 359 here.
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