RALEIGH – While the biennial budget is definitely the biggest thing on the plate of the N.C. General Assembly, there is other important legislation moving through the legislature that touches on core issues such as the Second Amendment.
Tuesday the N.C. Senate Judiciary Committee gave the go ahead to House Bill 398, the Pistol Purchase Permit Repeal Act, which does exactly what its name implies. At less than half a page, the concise legislation simply repeals all state statutes requiring a permit to purchase a handgun.
Of course, the Leftist media is on duty attempting to frame this bill as some evil Republican attempt to make scary guns easier to obtain. Exhibit A:
Note those tags; guns, the General Assembly, and gun violence.
Eventually they report the fact that this legislation is actually supported, enthusiastically, by the N.C. Sheriffs Association, which deems the current purchase permit regime as outdated, redundant, and unnecessary.
Since the first waves of panic last year, and into the Summer of Rage, lines at sheriffs offices to apply for pistol purchase permits became the norm. Counties like Wake and Mecklenburg have been so inundated that it takes weeks or months to get an application approved or denied, when it is, by law, supposed to be determined in 14 days or less.
Sheriffs offices have been swamped, and being that the permit system IS redundant, they’d be glad to not serve as the bureaucratic administrators this ‘Jim Crow era law’ turns them into.
Ultimately, this legislation brings us closer to actually honoring the intent of the Second Amendment. ‘Shall not be infringed’ has real meaning, and a 14 day waiting period to purchase a pistol certainly qualifies as an infringement.
This point is completely over the heads of Democrats and media who equate the honoring of such core rights with putting loaded guns in woman-beaters’ hands.
“However, federal background checks are only required if a sale involves a licensed gun dealer.
For private and gun show sales from non-licensed dealers, no federal check is required, so the permit may be the only background check involved in that process.
Sen. Natasha Marcus, D-Mecklenburg, said that means the system is not redundant.
“At a time when we’re seeing more and more gun violence, we should not be making it easier for people who should not have guns to have guns, and that’s what this bill would do,” Marcus said. “This bill is so, so bad.”
“If you in good conscience can say, just let anybody buy any of those, we’re not going to worry about who it is, and what their mental health is, and whether they beat their wives or anything else,” Marcus told Adams, “you cannot tell me that that is not a risk to public health and to the safety of other people.”[…]’
Marcus’s is a prime example of an idiotic take.
But first, if private sales don’t require a background check; do you think your neighbor down the street will be a stickler for checking for a valid pistol purchase permit?
Yet, what Senator Marcus says here actually makes a good argument for passing this bill. Naturally, she frames this as way for wife-beaters and the mentally ill to quickly get a gun and hurt people. At a time when we’re seeing more gun violence, no less!
But the path to a logical conclusion is abandoned fully after Marcus equates gun rights to instant violence.
Under this proposal, if a woman is being beaten and abused by a violent husband who’s threatened to kill her, she can walk into a gun store and purchase a firearm to protect herself! What Marcus is pleading for here, by asking to kill this bill, is to make that battered woman wait in line at the sheriffs office, maybe for hours; apply for a permit to purchase a pistol; wait 14 days, at least, or maybe even 2 months; and, when the purchase permits are finally issued, only then can the battered woman legally purchase a firearm to protect herself.
Except she might not be able to make that purchase, because the wife-beater has already made good on his threat.
This is one of any number of scenarios that completely justify honoring Second Amendment rights by eliminating purchase permit requirements. Not to mention the larger narrative Marcus presents, unknowingly proving the bill sponsors’ point. At a time of rising gun violence, and neutered police forces, we SHOULD be making it easier for people to protect themselves. Or, at the very least, removing unconstitutional impediments to the exercise of our God given rights.
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