RALEIGH – As the legislative leadership officially announced a special session to be held Tuesday for the purposes of drafting caption language for constitutional amendment questions, Democrat Secretary of State Elaine Marshall was writing House Speaker Moore and Senate President pro tem Berger to express her shock – SHOCK! – that anyone would think her capable of steering the effort toward the Left’s interests.
In the letter, Marshall asserts that she has never been anything but professional in her role in past constitutional amendment efforts, claims the commission has moved to complete the captions ahead of deadlines, and professes that no outside political influences have leaned on her with regard to the amendments.
Of course, when you’re a fixture of the political Left in the Old North State, you don’t exactly need some outside forces to twist your arm into subtly sabotaging the amendment effort. Same goes for Attorney General Josh Stein.
Politicians pushing these amendments understandably want them to pass – the Democrats obviously do not – but the job of the commission is not to be partisan in anyway, but present the language in terms that voters can decide.
The Democrats on this commission, especially Stein, have demonstrated clear animus toward these proposals and so credible doubt exists that they can craft language with out such a pull to the Left.
Marshall’s letter seems straightforward, indignant, and attempts to demonstrate that the commission is doing everything above board.
She suggests it is ridiculous to entertain the possibility that political influences of the Left would have any effect on the commissions work whatsoever.
This is the same Secretary of State that was all set to be the subject of an impeachment investigation a couple sessions ago for her office’s policy of conferring state powers upon illegal aliens – powers that include certifying absentee ballots in elections. A more appropriate letter might be one thanking Speaker Moore profusely for inexplicably dropping that investigation despite the mounting evidence of wrongdoing (!).
But, of course, there are other elected officials chiming in on the amendment caption writing issue. The Left, from Gov. Roy Cooper on down, are touting the ‘Deception Session’ and presenting their own politically charged language of what the amendments do.
The GOP assault on the courts continues so they can pick their own judges. #DeceptionSession pic.twitter.com/oiJWNmhVDq
— Governor Roy Cooper (@NC_Governor) July 24, 2018
Or these descriptions spread by Cooper’s spokeswoman Sadie WeinerSadie Weiner.
This is exactly why the legislature needed to come back to ensure the language describing these amendments was not a product of the Left’s hysterical accusations and harmonic talking points.
They will cry and whine about Republicans deceiving the public to grab power, disenfranchise minorities, steal money from teachers and students, and claim Republicans want you to have dirty air and water.
The truth is that these amendments are being presented to the people for some simple choices on simple matters.
The Left is having a hard time spinning against issues with 70+ percent approval, so they are foaming at the mouth about it.
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