RALEIGH – If you took the Leftist media at their word, you’d think that women as a whole vote Democrat and think the Republican Party is just a tool of the sexist patriarchy. That’s the narrative Democrats want people to believe, but it is, of course, entirely false.
In fact women all over are cringing at the extreme lengths Democrats went over the last few weeks to ruin a man nominated to the Supreme Court of the United States. To that end, Republican women of North Carolina wanted to make sure their voices were heard this weekend, saying Democrats should pay a price for their despicable antics.
“A group of Republican women led by NC GOP vice chairwoman Michele Nix on Sunday accused Democrats of using smear campaigns and resorting to mob rule during last week’s confirmation hearings for Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Nix spoke at a press conference at the state GOP headquarters during a break in a party meeting.
“The Democrat Party has become the party against freedom and liberty, the party of emotion over reason and the party of violence over civil debate,” Nix said. “In short, modern Democrats prefer mob rule over the rule of law. Over the past week, they have shown they will stop at nothing to get their way. Democrats destroyed a good man’s name, a good man’s family, all based on allegations that were refuted by the witnesses and disproved by seven FBI reports.”
While the Left’s politics of late has certainly descended deeper into the gutter at an alarming rate of descent, we’d argue that such a trend is inevitable when a political party is founded upon a collectivism that discounts the rights of individuals and places a premium on factionalism and Big Government.
Even though these women are politically inclined, everyday women are also recoiling from Democrats’ smear campaigns against men. They reject the notion that their fathers, husbands, brothers, and sons should be assumed guilty at the slightest hint of an allegation against them. Indeed, it is antithetical to the moral structure upon which the United States was founded.
That doesn’t mean these women reject purported victims of sexual assault out of hand. Instead, they give these women the respect they deserve by calling sham accusations that do nothing but hurt good people and discredit genuine victims of assault.
“Nix said Republicans recognized the seriousness of sexual assault allegations.
“We as leaders of the leaders of the North Carolina Republican Party stand with those who have survived sexual assault and domestic violence,” Nix said. “Many in our party have suffered this human tragedy. But today we stand for the rule of law and the presumption of innocence and the fundamentals of human decency and fairness.””
Democrats are hoping that their smear campaign weighs down Republicans at the polls. That seems less and less likely the more extreme and desperate the Left becomes. They jumped the shark, and women (and men) are probably going to hold them accountable come election day.
Read more from the NCGOP women here.
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