ROBESON COUNTY – If you needed more evidence that law enforcement officers have a very tough job, or more evidence of the depravity of those that cheer their demonization, here is one video that does both.
According to Big League Politics, Police Officer Michael Sale of the Rowland Police Department had to be air lifted to the hospital for injuries suffered at the hands of a criminal suspect resisting arrest. Sale was attempting to arrest a suspect when said suspect decided fighting the officer was the better choice. What ensued was a more than 10 minutes of a the officer getting beaten to a pulp while attempting to subdue the suspect.
We know that because it was all caught on camera by onlookers. Onlookers who, instead of helping end the vicious attack, filmed and laughed.
The officer, sensing he’s outmatched, asks for some help, to which the onlooker says, “You the police, why I’ma help you fo’?”
The cell-phone videographers then proceed to narrate, laugh, and cheer the minutes long beating of the police officer by the suspect.
As the suspect is mounted on top of the officer, one good samaritan does step in to pull the suspect off, in an attempt to help. That person deserves a lot of praise, resisting the anti-police consensus literally shouting at him as he tries to help. The entire time this individual does this, however, the crowd discourages him, asking him to not help the officer, and not to let the officer arrest the suspect.
Once back on their feet, the good Samaritan stepped away and the physical fight continued.
This wasn’t just a bloody nose. Officer Sale’s face suffered multiple fractures and he had to be airlifted to the hospital for treatment.
He couldn’t call for back up because he was the only on-duty officer in a pretty rural community. He even lost his weapon at one point. Luckily, though, the suspect was eventually subdued and will now face additional charges of assault with a deadly weapon on a police officer.
Note, however, how the officer did not discharge his weapon, or use it to overcome the physical force deficit he was in, even when his life was in clear danger. Why? Could it be that he was hesitant to escalate the situation for fear of optics in an environment supercharged with anti-police cultural upheavals?
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