NC Police Chief Raffling Off AR-15 for Charity, Liberal Media Shocked

ALBEMARLE – While the folks in Fearrington Village forbade the Chatham County GOP from holding a gun raffle at their venue, Albemarle Police Chief David Dulin is hosting a raffle in which the top prices include an AR-15, a Glock, and a Smith & Wesson.

As you might’ve guessed, Albermarle is a lot farther from Chapel Hill than Fearrington is. Even so, local media reflexively fear mongered about the scary AR-15, wasting no print before connecting the weapon to mass shootings.

From the Stanly News & Press:

Although the AR-15 is not classified as an assault weapon, it has been used in numerous mass shootings, including Newtown, Aurora, Parkland, San Bernardino and Las Vegas. 

More recently, an AR-15-type rifle was used by a shooter who opened fire in a Dayton, Ohio nightclub Aug. 4, killing nine people and wounding dozens more.

According to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, AR-15s are not classified as assault weapons because they are not fully automatic. The “AR” in the name stands for ArmaLite rifle, named after the company who created it in the 1950s. […]”

The local press was so uncomfortable with the gun raffle that it became their main line of questioning for the “story.” Too bad for the kids at the Butterfly House, a child abuse advocacy center in Albemarle. They should be the story, because they are who Sheriff Dulin and the event organizers are raising money for with the planned charity event.

Out of 19 paragraphs budgeted neatly into the Stanly News & Press for this story, ONE so much as mentions this charity. The rest is a typical knee-jerk anti-gun response that pervades even Stanly County, North Carolina.

Chief Dulin hurt their feelings even further when he told the gun-shy media the truth: ‘guns don’t kill people, people kill people.’ For that offense, the local paper heads straight to a leading Leftist gun control group to cast Sheriff Dulin as somehow sympathetic to mass murderers.

“In the last two weeks, we’ve seen these AR-15s and other similar types of weapons have been used to inflict incredible harm,” [Andrew Patrick, media director for the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence] said. 

Patrick brought up the Gilroy Garlic Festival shooting in California that occurred a couple of weeks ago, where a shooter opened fire on attendees. Three people were killed, including a 3-year-old boy. 

“The weapon was firing for less than a minute,” Patrick said. 

“Raffling it off to help a children’s organization just speaks to the level of tone deafness that exists in the community,” Patrick added. 

Patrick said the AR-15 is the most common weapon used in mass shootings. He cited the example of the shooter in Dayton, who used an AR-15-type rifle to shoot 26 people in less than 30 seconds. 

“It’s used because it’s very effective at killing as many people in as short amount of time as possible,” Patrick said. “That’s a gun that should not be available to the general public.” […]”

And yet here Chief Dulin is raffling the thing off to the public! The gun control nuts must be crawling in their skin. All that correlation fueled fear, drawing on the death of a three-year old boy, when the author could have spent that print telling people how to donate to or spread the word about Butterfly House so other children may not suffer at the hands of abusive people.

Instead the author continues on selling gun control, celebrating Governor Roy Cooper for singing an executive order on background checks, before virtually begging the readers to foment a public outcry to cancel the raffle.

Seriously, the last line of the article says, “[Executive director of the Stanly Health Foundation and event organizer Jane Boone] said there are not any plans to remove the fundraiser. If there is an outcry from the public, Boone said officials would take a closer look at the situation.

It read like the local newspaper really wants there to be an outcry from the public so they can stop this uncivilized, definitely not ‘woke,’ gun-toting police chief from raising money for abused children.

If you, however, love the Second Amendment and love standing up to protect children, you can sponsor the charity event by buying tickets here. Again, all of the proceeds go to the Butterfly House Children’s Advocacy Center, a facility of Atrium Health Stanly, that offers children, who are possible victims of abuse, a safe environment to receive emotional and physical support from a team of caring and experienced professionals.

Depending on the turn out for the gun raffle, the writers at the Stanly News & Press may also need emotional support.

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