Excerpt By: Aclu.org. Written By: Jordan Sekulow.
Today the appeal of American Pastor Andrew Brunson – a U.S. citizen who is currently imprisoned in Turkey because of his Christian faith – was denied.
Pastor Andrew, who was held for over two months without charges, has been imprisoned in Turkey since December 9th. He faces a serious, yet completely unfounded, charge – “membership in an armed terrorist organization.” In fact, the charging documents do not present any evidence against him.
Pastor Andrew appealed his imprisonment, and was denied. Another appeal to a higher court is allowed, but it is uncertain how that appeal process will go. Previously, Pastor Andrew was denied access to his Turkish attorney. Now, he is allowed visits with his Turkish attorney—however, due to an emergency decree in Turkey, those visits are recorded and any notes taken by his attorney are copied. Thus, Pastor Andrew has no attorney-client privilege.
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