RALEIGH – What happens when a black lieutenant governor, as a member of the State Board of Education, loudly objects to new, totally Woke social studies curricula that explicitly label the United States of America as systemically racist and aims to spoon feed kids the Critical Theories? When other minority members also object?
Well, one of the state’s leading ‘news’ organizations publishes a editorial cartoon presenting said objectors, as members of the KKK. Seriously.
Latest from editorial cartoonist @DennisDraughon “History’s lessons.” https://t.co/8MaUknRaFb #ncga #ncpol #nced @ncpublicschools @edstateboard_nc @DPI_SSTeam @NCCSS pic.twitter.com/vIi7jgDQK8
— CBCeditorial (@CbCeditorial) February 2, 2021
Now, if you are familiar with Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, you know that his feelings weren’t hurt. He understands the motivations too well, respects freedom of speech too much. But, if you think Robinson was going to let WRAL get away with such disgusting hypocrisy for even a day, you’ve got another thing coming.
The conservative with a booming voice and no room for nonsense called a press conference to put the cartoon on display, and then excoriated WRAL, the Left, and anyone else that would engage in such a gross smear of the Republicans opposed to the new Woke social studies standards.
Robinson points out that he has no problem whatsoever with speech, even that of offensive nature. He rightly explains that is what the First Amendment is all about. However, that doesn’t mean he will stand by as the politically motivated operators of WRAL falsely smear him — a black man from Greensboro — and others as some hate-filled, racist Ku Klux Klan members simply for opposing the new social studies standards.
And about those standards; they are far more offensive in nature than this tasteless political cartoon.
In keeping with the Woke Cultural Revolution the Left is seeking to flood us with, the new standards view America, her society, her history, and her culture through the lens of Critical Theory, casting America as systemically racist and inherently flawed. It is the same pseudo-intellectual drivel that has powered everything from Black Lives Matter Inc., to Antifa, to corporate seminars and sensitivity training.
Robinson understands the ideology as the anathema that it is to core of the American idea. Indeed, Woke theories target that core specifically as the object at the heart of America’s inescapable sin and, thus, the need of revolution.
Antifa/BLM burning cities to the ground is fueled by this very ideology. Inculcating the dogma in public school social studies students is merely seeding the field for the future. They seek to raise an entire generation of Woke citizens, where the kind of independent thinking men and women — the Mark Robinson’s of the nation — don’t exist.
That is the goal of the Woke. That is where the Left is taking us, while they drip with sanctimony.
And anyone — ANYONE — who gets in the way of that is treated according to the dogma. Racist. Bigot. Nazi. Ku Klux Klan member. None to be tolerated, even for a minute, lest their insight actually resonate with the public.
That’s what the Capital Broadcasting Company, parent to WRAL and a longtime activist for the Left’s political causes in North Carolina, has done here to Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson. It’s gross, but it’s necessary to see for the true nature of this cultural/political struggle to come to the surface.
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