RALEIGH – Her father-in-law visited Charlotte in August to hold a fundraiser for the congressman, and now North Carolina native Lara Trump is campaigning in her home state for Freedom caucus member Rep.Ted Budd (NC-13).
Lara Trump proved to be instrumental during the 2016 campaign for president as she leveraged her knowledge of the important swing state to help drive voter enthusiasm and turnout. She is hoping to do the same for Budd, who is regarded as one of the U.S. House’s more vulnerable Republicans this election cycle.
North Carolina’s congressional delegation consists of 10 Republicans and three Democrats. The Left thinks they have a chance at flipping three of those seats – incumbent Reps. Budd and Holding, and an open seat sought by Republican Mark Harris after besting incumbent Rep. Bob Pittenger.
In the Left’s best case scenario, a net pick up of three House seats from North Carolina would go toward flipping the House to Democrat control. If the Democrats gain control of the House it result in non-stop investigation over manufactured scandals (Russia?) and impeachment pushes.
Needless to say, that is not an ideal scenario for conservatives and Trump supporters.
More than just a power struggle, Budd is a proven conservative with sky-high conservative rankings over his first term in office. We need him there to contribute a principled perspective that resists the Swamp.
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