Excerpt From: News & Observer. Written By: Chris Cioffi.
Across downtown Raleigh from raucous crowds voicing opposition to the inauguration of President Donald Trump, a group hopeful that the Republican will shift abortion policy also gathered Saturday.
The March for Life attracted more than 1,000 people who held signs saying things like “We Vote Pro-Life” and marched on city streets near the legislative buildings. The day also featured speeches and prayers organized by anti-abortion group North Carolina Right to Life in Bicentennial Plaza, and a youth rally and mass sponsored by Raleigh’s Roman Catholic diocese.
One of the speakers, Carol Tobias, 56, expressed optimism about a change in abortion policies under the new Trump administration.
After eight years of “the most pro-abortion president we’ve ever had,” there is renewed hope in outlawing abortions. The president of the District of Columbia-based National Right to Life Committee also spoke in opposition of assisted suicide for terminally ill patients.
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