Excerpt By: WRAL. Written By: Laura Leslie.
As protests and marches mark the Day without Immigrants around the country Thursday, some North Carolina lawmakers are aiming for stronger local enforcement of laws against illegal immigration.
Two bills filed in the state House would subject local governments to loss of state funding and citizen lawsuits if they are deemed to be turning a blind eye to illegal immigration.
House Bill 63, titled the Citizens’ Protection Act, would, among other things, order the state Department of Revenue to withhold funding from cities found to be in violation of the state’s 2015 ban on so-called “sanctuary cities.” That earlier law forbids local governments from limiting the enforcement of federal immigration laws by local law enforcement agencies, including any direction against or prohibition of gathering information on immigration.
, R-Onslow, is one of the bill’s sponsors. He acknowledged that immigration is a federal issue, but he said the state must take action because the federal government has abdicated its responsibility.
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