RALEIGH – They’re nothing if not persistent. Democrats every opportunity to push gun control and weaken the Second Amendment. When the short legislative session opens this week in Raleigh, one Democrat lawmaker is set to introduce legislation that would do just that.
“They have hit upon a new tactic of using Gun Confiscation Orders” (GCOs) to seize someone’s property without due process or even their knowledge of what is to take place.
Rep. Marcia Morey, D-Durham plans on introducing a bill establishing these “Gun Confiscation Orders”.
In something reminiscent of the Old Soviet Union clamping down on dissent through the mental health system, these would be secret procedures where someone alleges that someone is “Dangerous” and that their firearms should be taken from them by force.
So, who gets to decide if someone is “Dangerous”?
The gun grabbers have already said that we are ‘Terrorists’ so it’s not too much of a stretch for them to claim every gun owner is “dangerous” for just having them.
These “Gun Confiscation Orders” (sometimes referred to as ‘Red Flag’ laws). are a proceeding by which your guns can be seized without due process or even your knowledge – until the ominous knock on your door. The purpose of the Constitutional principle of due process is to protect the individual from the full force of the government. These laws flip the Constitutional principle of innocent until proven guilty on its head. Now with these laws, you can be deprived of your liberty on someone’s word in a one-sided hearing without your knowledge.
Leftists seem to be in competition to see how many natural and constitutional rights they can violate in one fell swoop. These are people who have no use for Liberty who still pretend to be Liberal.
These laws infringe on the 2nd and two parts of the 5th and 4th amendments. And given that some have been persecuted for talking about the wrong subjects in public, the 1st could be easily on the list.
The proposed law would allow ‘colleagues’ or ‘friends’ to petition to a judge to have your guns seized and all they would have to do would be to “prove by a sworn affidavit, that you know and have direct knowledge that a person is in direct possession of guns.”
No Pretense, Just Straight-up Confiscation
GCOs are not a foot in the confiscatory door. There is no pretense here. GCOs blatantly and aggressively kick that door down, and once GCOs are in place, the valid reasons for establishing an GCO against an individual will surely loosen. At first, perhaps close family members and a few others very close to a person may be able to point a finger and “report” him. That’s bad enough, but be sure, the already Orwellian rules surrounding GCOs will expand. It’s likely that, eventually, virtually anyone in a person’s sphere will be able to accuse a person and begin the unconstitutional process of having the accused’s legally owned firearms forcibly confiscated. Does this sound like a free country to you, a free state?”
If you think that something like this will go nowhere in a Republican dominated legislature, there may be reason to be less cavalier about such a bill’s chances. Some Republicans have voiced support for such orders without due process, and the Republican primary winner in N.C. House District 44 Linda Devore campaigned in support of similar confiscation orders.
Hopefully Republican leaders will squash any bill filed that so blatantly violates individual rights, but there’s no reason not to let your legislator know just how unacceptable any consideration of unconstitutional, Second Amendment violating legislation truly is.
Read more here.
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