RALEIGH – There isn’t an issue in North Carolina politics over the last several years that has been debated, vetted, reformed, and supported in vote more than voter ID. After bills passed into law, the constitution amended by the people, and bipartisan support for an inclusive approach to more vote integrity, it makes sense that the many supporters of voter ID would be aghast at the judiciary simply not allowing it to take effect.
One of those people is Speaker of the N.C. House Tim Moore (R-Cleveland), who helped lead the effort to return the voter ID question to the ballot so the people could weigh in once and for all.
“North Carolinians know that General Assembly leaders will continue to fight on their behalf for a commonsense voter ID law that they chose to put in our state constitution, and we will not be deterred by judicial attempts to suppress the people’s voice in the democratic process.”
A three-judge panel (all Democrats) of the N.C. Court of Appeals blocked the law indefinitely Tuesday, reversing a lower court decision, suggesting the law was, in effect, racist. Everything is racist in the eyes of a Democrat, if a Republican is promoting it.
The case will obviously be appealed, but the next stop is a N.C. Supreme Court where Democrats hold a 6-1 advantage. One of the new justices is a bona fide social justice warrior. Those don’t seem like very good odds, but the situation does emphasize the incredible significance of electing conservative judges. Judges that conserve the constitution and the law, as written, with an understanding that such a construct to secure blessings of liberty is not fair game for their personal political desires.
Justice Paul Newby is the lone conservative judge on the high bench, and he is running for Chief Justice in 2020. He’s not alone; a team of Republicans are running for the N.C. Supreme Court and N.C. Court of Appeals so progressive judges cannot abuse their positions to shape law according the Left’s political agenda.
If you want a judiciary in North Carolina that decides cases constitutionally, it behooves you to support, vote for, and spread the word about our conservative judicial candidates. The Democrats have proven that duly elected legislative majorities can be neutralized by an activist court and Sue til Blue strategies. Do you want that to continue?
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