RALEIGH – The principal clerks at the N.C. General Assembly released data on primary elections relative to how they will affect the N.C. House and Senate. More than a handful of House members don’t have any primary opposition, and just as many (8) former House members are running to rejoin the chamber. The N.C. Senate will also see seven former state lawmakers running to join that body, but only three incumbents have three primary challenges. That’s because 10 senators are not seeking reelection.
Overall for the 2020 primary election, the N.C. House has 298 candidates for 120 seats. That’s 143 Democrats, 140 Republicans, 14 Libertarians, and 1 Green Party candidate.
Any way you cut it, 2020 is going to be a pivotal election for the state legislature. With so many departures, complemented by the return of familiar names, all wrapped up in a myriad state wide elections and a massive presidential (re)election year, the balance of power in the General Assembly is more in question that it has been in some time. Hopefully voters can see clearly which path leads to which results and choose accordingly.
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