RALEIGH – ‘Viruses don’t respect borders’ has been uttered quite often as we deal with the scourge of the Wuhan coronavirus. Some people quite obviously don’t respect those borders, or immigration laws, either.
North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement (NCFIRE) has released its monthly report tracking sex crimes against children by illegal aliens. With Stay-at-Home orders in place statewide, there were more than two dozen charges of child rape or child sexual assault filed against more than a dozen illegal aliens.
“As our “house arrest” continues into the month May, illegal aliens were freely out and about during the month of April. At least 15 of them ran up 29 separate charges of child rape/child sexual assault.
To see our latest report for the month for April 2020, click this link: https://www.ncfire.info/
To view the previous 5 years worth of monthly Child Rape Reports, please go to our website: www.ncfire.info.
As always, the ONLY way to stop this is to contact your legislators in Raleigh and demand they enact strict state level illegal immigration laws. […]”
Perhaps while state lawmakers are back in Raleigh trying to repair the damage caused by coronavirus shutdown policies, they can use the focus on the importance of borders to reinforce the rule of law.
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