RALEIGH – Dr. Michael Bitzer over at Old North State Politics has been reliably crunching the numbers and analyzing the trends when it comes to voting trends in North Carolina. The benchmark, of course, is 2016, and we blew past the 2016 early vote total this weekend.
But who is voting? How does it compare to 2016? What might that mean for ultimate election results? Take a look at these charts, and draw from them what you will.
Data on North Carolina’s accepted absentee ballots, through 10-25:
Total Ballots: 3,171,202
NC has now exceed *ALL* of 2016’s absentee ballots cast (3,102,093)
Absentee OneStop (In-Person): 2,393,047
Absentee by mail: 778,155#ncpol #ncvotes pic.twitter.com/m5BayrZUc4
— Old North State Politics (@OldNorthStPol) October 26, 2020
NC total accepted absentee ballots, thru 10-25:
Comparison of 2016 to 2020 cumulative daily totals of mail and onestop (in-person) absentee ballots by days out from Election Day (in-person ends on Day 3, Oct. 31).#ncpol #ncvotes pic.twitter.com/6IFh37de3w
— Old North State Politics (@OldNorthStPol) October 26, 2020
NC total accepted absentee ballots (mail & in-person), thru 10-25, by voter regions:
29% Urban Central City Voters
27% Urban Suburb Voters
25% Surrounding Suburban County Voters
19% Rural County Votersby Regions & Party Reg within each#ncpol #ncvotes pic.twitter.com/vy0OvPsZEE
— Old North State Politics (@OldNorthStPol) October 26, 2020
NC total accepted absentee ballots, thru 10-25:
Voters who voted in 2016’s election (& vote method) OR registered in/after 2016, by party reg
58%: voted 2016 absentee onestop
3%: 2016 absentee by mail
15%: 2016 Election Day
24% ‘new’ voters#ncpol #ncvotes pic.twitter.com/ASRzpDZBZP— Old North State Politics (@OldNorthStPol) October 26, 2020
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