RALEIGH – So there is a three-way race for one N.C. Supreme Court seat between incumbent Republican Justice Barbara Jackson, Democrat Plant “Republican” attorney Chris Anglin, and social justice warrior Anita Earls.
The Democrats want to expand their majority on the bench so that they can implement their Progressive agenda via judicial opinions. At the same time they act as if they are interested in judicial independence and honest jurisprudence. It’s laughable, but that is nothing new when it comes to the political Left.
Well, the campaign for Justice Barbara Jackson is out with an ad that rightly warns the electorate against the pitfalls of liberal judicial activism that seem to get under the Left’s skin.
Does opposition to judicial activism that enables cities and states to flout the very law and order the judiciary is designed to ensure seem out of line? Actually, it seems exactly the kind of no nonsense approach the judiciary needs in this age of hyper-victimization and feelings based policies (unless those feelings are held by conservatives, that is).
Well, judging by the Left’s reaction, you’d think the commercial advocated making constitutional originalists Czars of the universe .
Shame on @JudgeJackson with this Willie Horton type ad.. You hide behind judicial standards then run this? This isn’t some IE, this is on you. #Shame #Shame. Rham Emmanual? Seriously. Citing Federal Judge? This is not how an Independent Jurist acts. https://t.co/lzDixogT6O #ncpol
— Perry Woods (@WhalerCane) October 16, 2018
Mr. Woods is, of course, the Democrat campaign consultant for Democrat Plant Chris Angling. Woods wants Anita Earls to beat Jackson, and that’s why he is helping to facilitate a Republican spoiler.
Probably because it was likely done by Carter Wren, who does Holding, who unfortunately has a history of such dog whistling. #youneededthatjob #Groundzeromosque This is shameful for anyone who pretends to be an independent jurist. Lee Atwater would be proud. #ncpol
— Perry Woods (@WhalerCane) October 16, 2018
To the Left, being an “independent” jurist means essentially agreeing with progressive political policies and narratives so much that you’re willing to reshape the state and federal constitutions in their image. It is literally the opposite of independence.
Likely, what is really going on here is that Jackson’s ad is an effective attack on aspiring judges like Anita Earls. Social Justice Warriors have no place on the bench, and voters can see why in an ad like this.
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