RALEIGH – If you thought all the progressive crazy was limited to Washington, D.C., you’d be wrong. We have our own cohort of progressive Democrats serving in the N.C> General Assembly, and they have just as little regard for your tax dollars, property rights, and liberty in general.
Exhibit A is House Bill 46, filed by Reps. Susan Fisher (D-Buncombe) and Pricey Harrison (D-Guilford), and co-sponsored by nearly two dozen other House Democrats. With this bill, the Democrats compile a wish list of items such as raising the minimum wage the government would force employers to pay employees; legislating away the mythical gender pay gap; reinstating the earned income tax credit; and, allowing state/public employees to unionize.
Harrison, for one, is no stranger to filing progressive fantasy legislation. Before U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) made insane ‘Green’ policies cool, Harrison was busy introducing resolutions to make North Carolina 100 percent free of fossil fuels under the same delusions.
Now, H.B. 46 isn’t likely to go anywhere as long as Republicans hold the majority. However, judging by the NCGOP performance in recent elections, Democrats could be merely one cycle away from taking over majorities in the state legislature. If that’s matched with another term for Democrat Governor Roy Cooper, you can count on this kind of wish list being passed into law.
It might seem crazy, but it could happen if Republicans are not organized and principled going into 2020.
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