RALEIGH – While Democrats in the US House are passing bills to give illegal aliens the right to vote (seriously), Democrats here in the Old North State are filing bills to give illegal aliens In-State tuition at our institutions of higher learning.
House Bill 319 would merely require certain ‘undocumented youth’ to attend high school in the state for two years in order to qualify for the reduced in-state tuition rates. It is the latest push by the Left to defy immigration laws in an attempt to endear themselves to illegal immigrant communities that they hope will one day be a reliable voting bloc.
Notice that last section; they make sure to stipulate that the information regarding their illegal status will not be kept secret. That’s consistent with Democrats’ policies of non-cooperation with federal immigration authorities, or even helping illegal aliens avoid detection and detention.
Interestingly, the bill runs counter to positions the Democrats’ Dear Leader, Gov. Roy Cooper, had on this very issue when he served as N.C. Attorney General. Cooper argued against in-state tuition on behalf of the State because such benefits should be exclusive to lawful residents of the state. Illegal immigrants certainly don’t qualify.
Even DACA recipients are specifically categorized as NOT having ‘lawful status, or residence’ by the Department of Homeland Security for the purpose of residency. As such, they cannot be awarded state benefits like in-state tuition, or have state powers conferred on them. The latter has been a subject of controversy as the N.C. Secretary of State Elaine Marshall has a policy that grants Notary licenses to known illegal immigrants.
Despite Cooper’s previous arguments against it, though, we doubt he would voice opposition to this bill being that his tenure as governor has been marked by repeatedly bowing to the Left on myriad issues.
The good news is that the Republicans still hold a majority on the General Assembly and so the bill is not expected to get any real traction. As we’ve mentioned before, though, that majority is not guaranteed should election trends of the last few cycles continue in 2020. Bills like these show just how detached from law and order Democrats really are.
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