WASHINGTON, D.C. – It should come as no surprise that the three Democratic representatives in North Carolina’s congressional delegation are voicing support for Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to again become Speaker of the U.S. House.
Reps. David Price, G.K. Butterfield, and Alma Adams all represent districts that encompass some of the kookiest Leftist enclaves in the Old North State, so supporting a washed up radical from San Francisco to lead the House Majority is firmly within their comfort zones. Many Democrats are speaking up about a move away from Pelosi, however futile it may be, but our Democratic representatives apparently favor sucking up to the Democratic machine.
“Congressman GK Butterfield, who represents North Carolina’s first district, says that given the contentious climate in Washington, experience is needed. He wants the current leadership team to remain in place.
“We’re going to have to stand up to Donald Trump and the Republicans and we need strong, seasoned experienced leadership,” he said. “We don’t need those who come in now to engage in on the job training.””
Basically, these old Democrats are telling the freshmen to leave the slash and burn House business to the old pros.
Price will be the chairman of the appropriations subcommittee on transportation and housing, where he reportedly plans to investigate Trump’s Department of Housing and Urban Development, led by Ben Carson, for failing to enforce “adequate property standards.” That goes to show just how many angles the Democratic House is going to come at the president from.
The rest of the delegation will be pushing for Mueller indictments and subpoenas and being cheerleaders for investigations out the wazoo, mostly ad mere bricks in the Left’s wall. That’s exactly what the Republicans in our delegation are afraid of., as articulated by congressman-elect Mark Harris.
“Harris said if she’s in the top post, it could make it difficult for both sides to come to together.
“I can only hope that there is going to be some sense of bipartisanship that can emerge, I’m not overly hopeful with her leadership because of the rhetoric that she has been using,” Harris argued.”
That’s a very polite way of Pastor Harris saying Nancy Pelosi is going to take the U.S. House to Hell in a hand basket going into 2020 elections.
With any luck, our Republican delegation can leverage their posts as important caucus leaders and committee members to defend against the Democratic drama about to explode.
Read more.
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